Message from Founder & CEO
Study Abroad is an opportunity that can change your life. It is something that can represent you to the whole World. it can make you unique, and exceptional and through it, you can discover yourself apart from the crowd.
Study Abroad is such a platform where you can experience an international platform for higher study. You can meet different people from different nations, you can enjoy a multicultural atmosphere. You can achieve globally recognized degrees.
You can build strong communication skills and networks.
So when you have a chance to study abroad, please don't miss to grab it.
This is a unique opportunity and never waits for anyone.
Prominent Consultant is a name, a brand that has been working for a long as an education consultant. As I founder of Prominent Consultant, I would like to inform you that I also have a great study abroad experience which gave me a lot and I have been working as an education consultant since 2006.
Now we can tell we are one of the top education consultants in Bangladesh.
We are well renowned and popular with our students and this has been possible as we always give preference to our client's satisfaction. We have a qualified and experienced team who are committed to giving you proper guidelines.
We don't bother about the number of students, but we bother about the quality service we can provide to them. We directly represent more than 150 foreign public and private institutions in different countries around the world so students can get the opportunity to choose the right destination based on their profile.
Our policy advises students about their study destination based on their academic, English and financial backgrounds.
We can proudly announce that we are direct partners of more than 60 Canadian public institutions that very few companies really have in our country.
That's very true, we cannot guarantee your success but we can guarantee our honest